Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

We explored light for one last day. Today we watched a Bill Nye video on Light and Optics. We reinforced things that we have already learned, and learned a few new things.

The video discusses the difference between Reflection and Refraction, Convex and Concave Lenses, the students were even taught hand motions to review these concepts. They should have walked away knowing that Reflection is the "bouncing" of light, Refraction is the "bending" of light, Convex lenses bend light inwards and makes the paths cross at a focal point and then makes an inverse image on the other side of the focal point, and that Concave lenses spread light beams out and tend to make images look smaller and farther away.

On the right side of the blog, I've shared the notes and a practice quiz that reviews what we learned in the video, so that the students can check for their understanding.

We took a quiz in class over the vocabulary that has been introduced this week.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Today we experimented with light. The students had four stations to complete with their group members.

In "station 1" the students studied a cardboard square, a wax square and a clear plastic square. Their job was to interpret how the light in the room was interacting with the objects. They should have been able to label the cardboard as opaque, the wax as translucent, and the clear plastic (transparency) as transparent.

In "station 2" the students were given a sheet with "mystery symbols" on it. Their job was to use the mirror in their materials bucket to figure out what the secret words were. The words were BOX and DECK. Many of the students went on to create their own mystery words, using the mirrors, for extra credit.

In "station 3" the students explored the behavior of light when traveling from the air, through water, and back out again. The laid a flashlight on the edge of the table, covered the tip with foil, and poked a hole in the foil to let the light shine through. The students then experimented with how the path of the light changed the closer/farther they got to the clear plastic cup with water. Then, the laid a blank, white piece of paper on the other side of the cup and observed how the path of light seemed to bend when coming out of the water. Hmmm....... I wonder why???

In "station 4" the students were given clear plastic CD cases, Thank you Dr. Murry, to use; along with three pictures. These pictures were of a lightbulb, a hand, and a monkey. The students were to illustrate a reflection of the image, without, looking at their paper, or the original picture. The results were fabulous!!! I have lots of pictures to share, and will be sending home permission notes to post a few of them!!!

In station 1, the students were to gather a basic understanding of the nature of light, and how it reacts to certain objects. In station 2, they had the opportunity to witness reflection and how it creates an opposite image. It is also a good tie in to symmetry, in Math, because if a letter is asymmetrical, it can not be used in a "secret message" In station 3, the groups were experimenting with refraction, and the fact that when light travels from one form of matter (air, to solid, to liquid, to solid, to air again) it will change direction (bend or break) and this is called refraction. Lastly, in station 4, the groups are revisiting the concept of reflection, and how objects can reflect (bounce back) an image, but in a "opposite" manner.

The materials had several additional materials the students could experiment with on their own, including the "bendable" mirrors, which act as convex and concave lenses; and a straw, that could have been used in conjunction with the water station, to further emphasize the refracting (bending) concept.

It was a great day!!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Today was Wednesday so we did not switch classes. The students received missing assignment reports, if they had any, and were to get their assignments turned in today. Tomorrow we will be doing an experiment with LIGHT!!!! Friday is the last day of our 4th Six Weeks.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Today we reviewed some of our important vocabulary words, and their illustration cards that we post on our wall. We reviewed: Force, Turn, Friction, Gravity, Inclined Plane, Wedge, Pulley, Wheel, Lever, Fulcrum, Load and Gear. We began discussing Light and it's properties. We watched a 12 minutes video introducing us to the topic, and we will be experimenting on Thursday to apply the new knowledge that we gained today.

This morning I added two very neat links to the blog. You can find them on the right side of this page. The two at the top, are the new ones. One shows us animations of any Earth Science concept, and the other is just a really good source of information. Enjoy.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday, February 23rd, 2009

First of all, I'd like to thank those of you for your condolences that have shared this last week. We had a very trying week, and it was much appreciated, as well as needed. :)

Today in Science we began discussing Citric Acid. We created a Circle Map, where we brainstormed all of the "new things" that were learned today. After discussing this we made a Window Pane Foldable in which we discussed the "four" tastes and the areas in which we taste them. Our four tastes included, sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. We taste sweet tastes at the front tip of our tongue, salty tastes on the sides of the front of our tongue, sour tastes in the middle of each side of our tongue, and bitter tastes on the farthest back portion of our tongue. We also brainstormed examples of these tastes:

Sweet: Cake, cookies, sugar etc.
Salty: French Fries, chips, peanuts, pretzels etc.
Sour: Lemons, candy with citric acid :), etc.
Bitter: Dark Chocolate (some of us even new that it's called Special Dark and in a Green wrapper, thanks to Hershey's :P

Friday, February 20, 2009

Wednesday-Friday, February 18-20, 2009


I have been out since Wednesday, luckily I had a wonderful sub who took care of our classes!!! Wednesday was early release day, and we do not switch. On Thursday the students watched a Bill Nye video on Forces and Motion, and on Friday the students took a quiz. This quiz can be found if you click on the word quiz. I plan on returning to work on Monday to update progress reports and get those sent out, as well as move on to new subjects with the students.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Today we reviewed a lower grade concept. Simple Machines!!! Simple Machines is usually an easy topic for our students. Today we brainstormed a list of the 6 types of Simple Machines, the students created a Tree Map with a partner and then we made a foldable as a class. None of the classes completed their foldables today, and will be working on them in their homeroom classes tomorrow. The foldables, and the reading information that they used to make their tree maps are all due on Friday the 19th. We will be taking a quiz that day, and they will be able to use any notes in their composition books.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday, February 16th, 2009

Today we are beginning our discussions of Force and Motion. We read a bit in our book together and took a few notes we then the students broke into pairs and created a tree map classifying the four major types of forces into their groups, with important facts and information. We also discuss important vocabulary words: Motion, Speed, Intertia and Acceleration. Afterwards we summed up our readings in our Science Detective #6.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

No Science today, we were taking our Math Benchmarks. However, our students do have Catch a Clue due tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Students, sorry I don't get to see you today. Answer the following question... Hint, it involves a process of the water cycle.

Make sure that you answer describing the process, and make sure to include your name in your response.

How can a solution of salt and water be separated apart?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today in Science we discussed Physical and Chemical Changes more in-depth. The students made a web prior to our review writing what they remembered about the Changes and then predicted what words we would hear in our reading. After reading the review the classes got with a partner and answered 5 Literal Questions, 2 Inferential Questions, and 2 Making Connections Questions. We did a "Sharpen our Skills" activity, together, that took the Science content that we just learned and applied it to English concepts. Lastly, the partners completed a Logic Puzzle to figure out which of five students completed each type of Change.

The Catch a Clue Physical and Chemical Changes packet is due on Thursday when they come to class. The Comprehension Questions will be a Science grade and the Sharpen Your Skills will be an English grade.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday, February 9th, 2009

Hello all,

Today was a hodge podge of activities between the three classes. In Mrs. Brewer's class we were finished presenting our group projects, however Group 4 had an excellent addition to their project, that they worked on outside of school that was AWESOME!!! The completed their evaluations and we read in our National Geographic Explorer about Gold Fever and Icebergs. We discussed how Gold is both a mixture and a solution and that is also one of our Elements, it's symbol is Au. We then stopped and the groups started an experiment that we will be completing tomorrow in class. We will measure how much mass 50 mL of water has, add a 5 mL spoon full of salt, measure it again and find out how much the mass of the salt is that we added. The students will then brainstorm ideas of how we could separate the salt out of the solution that we have created. The students also had the opportunity to read a bit about Icebergs when their group finished the experiment.

Mrs. Kuykendall's class completed presenting their Group projects today and then they too did their evaluations. Group three and Group five went. The students read Gold Fever as well. After they were finished we started the same experiment as Mrs. Brewer's class, that we will also be completing tomorrow.

Mrs. Echols' class completed their posters and all five groups presented today, it was a busy day!! The students also completed their EVALUATIONS of themselves, their group members and the other groups. After rotating classes at the end of the day, the students read Gold Fever as well. We will do the entire experiment tomorrow and play "catch up" a little bit!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday, February 5th, 2009

Today Mrs. Brewer's class and Mrs. Kuykendall's class presented their projects. My homeroom is a bit behind due to a bit of group concerns. We hope to finish our posters and present on Monday. The groups that presented today were OUTSTANDING!!!

In Mrs. Brewer's class we learned lots of new things and had some very informative lessons. In Mrs. Kuykendall's class we were entertained by several students, including one who rapped for us.

Make sure you click on the linked words to "See" the amazing things our kiddos are doing!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wednesday February 4th, 2009

Hello, today in the computer lab, you the students, are supposed to peruse the website and see what good stuff you can find. I also want you to leave a comment posted to this question:

What is the difference between a mixture and a solution?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February 3, 2009

Today the students will be creating their posters and working in their groups. Their posters are what they will be using for their class presentations on Thursday. The poster should have each group members name on the back, their subject/title on the front, as well as their group name. Later today, I will upload a list of students and what groups they are in with their "Chemistry Names". They are really creative, it's fun to see how our students' minds work!! I'm really looking forward to see how our projects go.

Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2, 2009

Today in class we started a "jigsaw" project. In a jigsaw project each group is responsible for becoming the 'expert' in their area. Today each group will be doing that. The groups were given 4 tasks to complete between now and Thursday.

#1 Read their assigned information
#2 Come up with a Chemistry related Group Name
#3 Focus on key vocabulary words and information from the reading
#4 Create a poster to present to the class on Thursday

The information was broken up into 5 sections.

Pages 1-3 The first section come from a passage in our FOSS books simply titled Mixtures and Solutions. This passage is a basic review of concepts that we've already covered, such as mixtures and what they are, solutions and examples. It goes into further details to discuss what a solute and a solvent is. A key point of focus should be on the fact that solutions can be separated by evaporation.

Pages 4-6 The second section comes from the same passage, but it was broken up due to length. this focuses on the smallest particles called atoms and specific types of Elements. The 'Super Scientist' Henry Cavendish is explored and his contributions to understanding the elements. The Greek roots in chemistry are also explored.

Pages 7-8 The third section comes from a passage called "A Salty Story". This story focuses on salt flats and Salt Lake City, Utah and follows the process of salt mining to salt use in our homes.

Pages 9-10 The fourth section continues our information gathering of salt and it's many uses, as well as little known, yet important, facts, folklore surrounding salt, and two very important 'Super Scientists' Robert Boyle and Marie Curie.

Pages 11-12 The fifth section talks about our Earth and it's Elements. It focuses on our body and it's components that include (Oxygen 65%, Carbon 18%, Hydrogen 10%, Nitrogen 3%, Calcium 2%, Other 2%). Continuing, it discusses the major elements in the Earth (Iron 35%, Oxygen 28%, Silicon 13%, Magnesium 17%, Nickel 2.7%, Sulfur 2.7%, All other elements including calcium and aluminum 1.6%)

Tomorrow we will make our posters, and on Thursday we will present. I plan on taking pictures during our presentations, hopefully I get the posted by this weekend.