Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Today we reviewed a lower grade concept. Simple Machines!!! Simple Machines is usually an easy topic for our students. Today we brainstormed a list of the 6 types of Simple Machines, the students created a Tree Map with a partner and then we made a foldable as a class. None of the classes completed their foldables today, and will be working on them in their homeroom classes tomorrow. The foldables, and the reading information that they used to make their tree maps are all due on Friday the 19th. We will be taking a quiz that day, and they will be able to use any notes in their composition books.


  1. i like the foldable

  2. the foldable was interesting i liked it

  3. Mrs. echols I thought the foldable was cool and i liked the tree map Garrett

  4. hi mrs echols it is the 18th and so i just wanted to tell you i am sorry about what happen.

    lauren ogden # 24
