Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2, 2009

Today in class we started a "jigsaw" project. In a jigsaw project each group is responsible for becoming the 'expert' in their area. Today each group will be doing that. The groups were given 4 tasks to complete between now and Thursday.

#1 Read their assigned information
#2 Come up with a Chemistry related Group Name
#3 Focus on key vocabulary words and information from the reading
#4 Create a poster to present to the class on Thursday

The information was broken up into 5 sections.

Pages 1-3 The first section come from a passage in our FOSS books simply titled Mixtures and Solutions. This passage is a basic review of concepts that we've already covered, such as mixtures and what they are, solutions and examples. It goes into further details to discuss what a solute and a solvent is. A key point of focus should be on the fact that solutions can be separated by evaporation.

Pages 4-6 The second section comes from the same passage, but it was broken up due to length. this focuses on the smallest particles called atoms and specific types of Elements. The 'Super Scientist' Henry Cavendish is explored and his contributions to understanding the elements. The Greek roots in chemistry are also explored.

Pages 7-8 The third section comes from a passage called "A Salty Story". This story focuses on salt flats and Salt Lake City, Utah and follows the process of salt mining to salt use in our homes.

Pages 9-10 The fourth section continues our information gathering of salt and it's many uses, as well as little known, yet important, facts, folklore surrounding salt, and two very important 'Super Scientists' Robert Boyle and Marie Curie.

Pages 11-12 The fifth section talks about our Earth and it's Elements. It focuses on our body and it's components that include (Oxygen 65%, Carbon 18%, Hydrogen 10%, Nitrogen 3%, Calcium 2%, Other 2%). Continuing, it discusses the major elements in the Earth (Iron 35%, Oxygen 28%, Silicon 13%, Magnesium 17%, Nickel 2.7%, Sulfur 2.7%, All other elements including calcium and aluminum 1.6%)

Tomorrow we will make our posters, and on Thursday we will present. I plan on taking pictures during our presentations, hopefully I get the posted by this weekend.


  1. I like this assigment

  2. that stuff is so awsome

  3. I love this assigment it lets people show there talents

  4. I enjoyed my bloging time because it lets me tell how i fell

  5. I agree, I think that group projects allow for people to show what they are truly capable of. Jaden, I'm so excited that you enjoyed the websites!!!

  6. I enjoy the website to. I really think it's a great way for people to understand it a whole lot better! We should do this more often. I'm sure other students feel the same way. I love doing experiments and posters like that, I have really fun doing stuff like that, it helps me learn faster and quiker.
