Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011

Today in class we were beginning the early stages of becoming cartographers who need to create maps of our school. First we began by discussing what the word "model" meant and all of the different examples of models that we could think of. We discussed how a map is an example of a model representing an area on the Earth. We created a list of things that should be included on a map of our school.

Tomorrow we will continue our mapmaking process by creating our actual map and designing it.

See ya then,
Mrs. E

1 comment:

  1. The definition of modeling Something intended to serve, or that may serve, as a pattern of something to be made a material representation or embodiment of an ideal sometimes, a drawing a plan as, the clay model of a sculpture the inventor's model of a machine. So making tommorow's map modle of the back of the school will be intresting for me. (:

    Im not sure if I wrote the things i was suppost to right but please let me know tommorow or today with a comment below for me to understand what im actually meant to wright # 24
