Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday, December 6th, 2010

Last week in Science we discussed types of changes to the Earth, both fast and slow changes. In groups each student was given one of five types of fast changes to become an expert on and then shared with their group members. The first was a volcano, followed by earthquakes, floods, landslides, and lastly tsunamis. This week in Science we will begin discussing sedimentary rocks, fossils and paleontologists.

Sedimentary rocks sometimes form layers like this:


Fossils can be remains of plants and animals or traces and imprints of plants and animals.

A paleontologist is a scientist who studies once living things.

Today in the computer lab you watched two videos on brainPOP. You watched natural disasters and types of rocks. In your blog response answer the following questions...
1. what type of fast change did you study in your group, tell me one thing you learned about it. If you were absent write absent.
2. tell me one thing you learned about natural disasters from brainPOP
3. tell me one thing you learned about types of rocks from brainPOP
4. what are the three major types of rocks?


  1. gone to another class. i learn that the when the volcano rocks cools down they turn into metamorphic rocks .#18

  2. #1 the three rocks names are igneous rock, metamorphic rock, and sedimentary rock.

  3. 1.I learned in fast changes is that you can have normal sediments or a sediment rock.2.I learned that a earthquake can destroy land and make new land at the same time.3.I learned that volcanoes can destroy not just houses and land but if it lands in a river it can turn stuff from water to lava.4.It is sedimentry , ignores,and metriconic rockies. #14

  4. Volcanos. That it can destroy & build at the same time. That you always need a spare safety kit in case of an emergncy. That igneous rocks are made out of cooled lava. Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic.#17

  5. i was in the other class #3

  6. #1.In my group i learned about land-slides.
    #2.There are the 4 dangerous that can cause sometimes people to die.
    #3.two of the rocks are from volcanoes.

  7. 2that all of the disaters are strong.4 the there types of rocks is igneous rock,metamorphic rock,and sedimentaryrock.#18

  8. 1.we studied ,volcanoes,earthquakes,tsunamies,landslides,and floods
    2.that natural disasters are dangeroes.3.that they are formed in diffrent places.4.sedimetary,igneoes,and metamorfis #13

  9. I learned that earthquakes happen when two tectonic plates rub against each other under the earth. what I learned from natural disasters is that hurricanes and tornados are created when a funnel shaped cloud picks up speed and creates those things. What I learned from the rock video is that sedimentary rock is formed by dead rocks,plants,and animals. It is sedimentary,igneous,and metamorphic.#25

  10. i learned about drought it is a kind of mud.then i learned about tsumnis and it is a thing that helps lava erupe.

  11. 4.sedimentary rock,igneous rock,and metormamorphic rock.3. .When the lava rocks cool down they turn in to metamorphic rock.2.If a natrual distaster happens you will need a kit.1. a volcano can occor slowly or fastly.#27

  12. 1. volcanoes
    2. You need a ready kit with you just incase you get hurt
    3. igneous rock forms in a volcanoes
    4. igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary

  13. 1.I was earthquake.2.Tornados and huricanes both have funel shaped clouds.3.magma melts sediments.4.ignios metimorphic sediment.

  14. #1 I learned about volcanos and the main thing about them is that they can rebuild and disbuild land.

  15. #1Earthquakes happen when two slabs of rock move against each other

  16. 1. landslides,landslides are when the land slides. it slides off a mountain and destroys everything in its way. 2.tsunamis can go up to the speed of 720kph. 3.i learned that the stuff inside of the volcano is called magma and when it comes out it is lava. 4. the types of rocks are igneous,metomorphic,& sedimentary. :D:D:D #21

  17. 1.Volcanoes happen most likely in the ocean than on land
    2.There are 4 major ones that don't happen a lot in Texas
    3.Two of the major rock types formed from lava cooling
    4.Three major ones are Igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic.#6

  18. #1 I learned on natural disaters is that you can make and dismake land.

  19. natural disasters ruin anything in there path

  20. today i had earthquakes and i learned major storms cause flash floods and i learned there are three types of rock the names are igneous metamorphic sedimentary (ims)

  21. 1. i was tsnami .2.mostly water disasters are the same15

  22. #1 I learned on diffrent types of rocks that theres only three diffrent types of rocks.

  23. i i was in another class room. i learned that tsunami is a underground river that is tropical.i learned that volcanoes cool down with metamorphic. metamorphic,sedimentary,igneous. love,#2

  24. 1.absent 2.that tornadoes are the most dangerous 3.igneous comes from lava 4.igneous,metamorphic,and sedimentary rocks.#7
