Sunday, March 20, 2011

Monday, March 21st, 2011

Hey guys,

It's been awhile, I know, but now that we are back from spring break and getting ready for the BIG DAY (a.k.a. Science TAKS). Look over on the right side of the page to see the countdown clock.

So, this week in Science we are going to be talking about Habitats and Adaptations. To start us off this week, I'd like you to click on the following link ADAPTATIONS and watch the video, you may need to watch it once and then watch it a second time to look for the answers to the questions that you have to answer.

After watching the video the second time: choose one of the animals that Mr. Gallo discusses: the first cephalopod, the squid, the cuttlefish, the second cephalodpod, the first octopus or the second octopus. Then respond with a comment telling me what animal you are talking about, what you saw them do in the video, and why you thought it was happening. Please remember to put your classroom number with your response.

Look for more coming tomorrow!!!

Mrs. E


  1. i am talking about the last Octopus, and how it used Camo to blend into the coral, to hide away from predators

  2. I pick the octopus. I picked the octopus because its use of camo. I think the octopus uses its camo to blend in with its surroundings. I can think of two reasons,first, to hide from its predators, and second, two catch its prey that swims by.

  3. I picked the second octopus,because they can blend in very well (change colors) and move around fast (fast in speed).#19

  4. the squid was fighting another squid i think because they want food.#14

  5. I choose the 2nd octopus. the octopus changed color and texture. I think it did this to stay away from preditors.#13

  6. I chose the first cephalopod. The first cephalopod used camaflouge to blend in so that a predator wouldn't see him and so that he won't get eaten #26

  7. im talking about the 2nd octopus how it blind in with the plant so it can hide from its enimies

  8. my sea animal is the cuttlefish he blinds in to plants to hide from other sea animals.#7

  9. I learned that octopuses match the algae and in the dark they glow#27

  10. i learned that octapus can camofloge them self and they can turn into rocks and things like that#16

  11. this is about the cuttle fish it was swimming then it just went head first down and blended.#15

  12. I picked the octopus because I liked the way it changed color. It changes colors fast and it blends in fast so it is great from hiding from enimies#25

  13. i chose the first octopus and it tell about the octopus and how they swim in the water and they fight and i like the octopus eyes.#3

  14. #11 The second octopus changes to objects around it to blend in so it's prey won't see them.

  15. I chose the 2nd octopus because it changed his pattern and color just to blend in the algae. It changed really fast!!!!!!!#21

  16. I chose the last octupus because the use of its texture and color to blend in with the reef to hide from predators.#6

  17. I pick the 2nd octopus because it was trying to find a place to settle down,hid from predators.#8

  18. I learned that an octopus can blend in with algae#4!

  19. i choose the second octopus because they change diffrent colors and when there scared they ether swim away or spray ink on there prays i also learned that they can blend in with under water things. love#2

  20. the second octopus i had liked how it had blendedin with the plant and that was amazing#24

  21. i choose the first squid there skin color it turns white when it is mad but there way of fighting is by bouncing each others bottoms together:) #5

  22. i chose to learn about the first cephalopod and what they do is settle then blend in #23
