Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday, March 23rd, 2009

Today we discussed the 7 main forms of Energy.

These are:
Heat, Light, Sound, Electrical, Chemical, Nuclear, Mechanical.

The students created a tree map in their composition books that has each type of energy as a branch, and examples listed below it. They were to list the few from the book, and then create some of their own.

Heat: Oven, Furnace, Toaster, Sun, Heat in your body
Light: Light bulb, the Stars, Computer Screen, Lightning
Sound: Loudspeakers, Radio, TV, Wind, Thunder, Someone's Voice
Electrical: Electricity from a power plant, Car Battery, Dry Cell Battery in a flashlight
Chemical: Energy stored in the foods you eat, Energy stored in Fuels such as Wood and Gasoline
Nuclear: Energy used to generate electricity in a nuclear power plant, Energy used to kill cancer cells (will be called Radiation Energy later in school)
Mechanical: can be broken into Kinetic- the energy of motion, and Potential- the stored energy

We touched on the importance of knowing that one thing can produce several forms of energy. The Lightning for example, produces, Heat, Light, Electrical etc. The TV produces, Heat, Light, Sound, and uses, not produces, Electrical.

We also did an English assignment in class today that discusses the proper usage of Proper Nouns and Proper Adjectives. The did a review sheet that is due tomorrow.

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